Friday, January 22, 2010

My Haiti Relief

I know you’ve been hearing about this tragedy all over the place and maybe some of you are getting sick of it, but I just wanted to enlighten everyone on what I feel about this disaster. As I sat in my dad’s redskin chair watching “Hope for Haiti Now” on TV; I sat drinking my tea brewed with dried jasmine tea leaves and fresh filtered water, I started to think about what has been going on in Haiti. I don’t know if some of you know that Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world but it is and has been for a good period of time. This earthquake is a disaster and the people of Haiti need help. They are coming up from nothing. They started with not much of anything at all and this earthquake has left them with not much of anything as well. Haiti needed help before the earthquake and they need help now more than ever. They needed help before…they need help right now…and they need help after. Some may have not known that Haiti was one of the poorest countries until this tragic event (which isn’t any one’s fault it just hasn’t been in the “lime light” as a big deal to many of us until now). Hopefully this event will show that Haiti needs more help then we think…Help with the earthquake disaster and help with overcoming poverty. We may be able to help them rescue and save lives but we also need to help them rebuild. Rebuild as a country and as a population of importance in the world. Yes there are many other countries that are in poverty as well but it just goes to show that donating anything, not just money, but clothes, food, and fresh water counts just as much as money does to any country. Any donation to the Haiti relief or any other donation to save a population that is in need is welcome with open arms. There are many ways to donate and I will provide some links to share with everyone so you can do your part in the world and help someone less fortunate. Thank you all for reading my little passage about my thoughts on Haiti. I’m sorry if it isn’t as clear as it should be but I’m sure you get the picture lol. My family is also doing our part, as well as our church donating as much as we can to help the relief. Every little bit counts :)

Here are the links as promised.

American Red Cross

Here is a great link from that gives many different ways to donate and to what your money is going to, such as immediate care or donations for rebuilding. This is a very good site to search around and pick where you would like your donation to go.

Google Effort

A Blog post (with links) By the New York Times

American Jewish World Service

The Huffington Post

These are just some of the ways to donate, remember everything and anything helps. :)

-Ashley S.